Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday

It's back! I haven't kept up on my Thankful Thursdays but I've decided to bring them back. I definitely have a need to have a more grateful attitude in life and this is one way to focus on those little things that make life good!

So, today I am thankful for a warm home. We have had SO MUCH SNOW this last week and before that we had sub zero temperatures so I have become a hermit inside my own home...only going out when I absolutely have to. A couple days ago I was working from home, sitting at my kitchen table watching the snow falling out in my backyard. I am not a big fan of driving in the snow but at that moment, all tucked in my nice warm house, it was beautiful!

I am grateful to live in a climate that has four seasons even though I would definitely vote for Spring to start right after Christmas...but obviously that is not something that is actually open for a vote. :) So for now, I'll enjoy the beauty of it from my nice warm home!

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