Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for a daughter who tried REALLY hard this morning to be satisfied with how I did her hair. She's at that wonderful age where she has VERY strong opinions on how her hair is done, but not quite old enough to do it herself. She's great about being pretty patient while I curl, crimp or straighten it, but when it comes to pony tails or braids...let the battle begin. She needs every single hair slicked back into the pony tail holder with no lumps, fly aways, or uneven parts and unfortunately she doesn't have a mother who is perfect at doing that. :) So, I do the best I can and inevitably she wants it redone time and time again until she ends up just wearing it down because I can't do it right. The problem is that I am not very patient with the re-doing so even though I agree to do it, I express my displeasure at having to re-do it and then she starts defending why it needed to be redone and on and on and on. Well the whole scene came back to smack me in the face when we were all watching TV the other night and a preview came on for some movie where a mother and daughter were yelling at each other and Nick said, "Hey that's you and Hailey when you're doing her hair." Nice! Kids just call it like they see it, but neither one of us liked hearing it. :) But this morning Hailey asked me to do braids and she was trying so hard to be fine with how they were turning out that I voluntarily redid one to make it more even with the other one!! :) But I'm thankful to have a daughter...even if doing her hair is going to make my own go prematurely gray. :)


  1. if you are "prematurely" going gray, what the heck am i?? if my hair were natural i'd probably 75% gray.. sad for me..

    i had to laugh, as i read nick's blog (through chelsea's) that he knows everything about the guitar now.. impressive!!:)

  2. I just told my beautician that I long to go to beaty school--on some level, anyway--because I know Libby's hair freak-outs will escalate as she gets older. And like yours, my hair skills are on-again, off-again. You are so universal in your post topics!

  3. Cute Hailey. She is a darling little girl.
