Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for a good doctor...the kind of doctor who will listen to everything that's going on with you and not just try to get you out of his office as fast as he can with some sample medicine. As some of you know I have had stomach problems almost my whole life and lately it seems to be getting worse. I've been diagnosed with several different things throughout my life from ulcers to acid reflux to having my gallbladder removed, etc. But nothing they've tried from medicine to surgery has really stopped the pain. So this week I went to see a new doctor and he spent a lot of time listening then came up with a plan to start at the beginning to try to get to the root of the problem. So I'm keeping a log of food, symptoms, etc for the next 2 months to see if we can pinpoint triggers. I appreciate the fact that I came out of there with a plan to find out if a food group could be the culprit rather than an appointment at the hospital for scopes, xrays, etc. :) We may have to take those steps next but I appreciate that we are starting in a logical place.


  1. i hope you get answers!!
    i need some for savannah as well - and way to be AHEAD of thursday.. impressive..

  2. I am sorry that you have been dealing with this for so long. Hopefully this new doctor can help you figure things out!

  3. Julie, I had no idea you had stomach pain for so long. I am so glad you found a doctor who listens--can be hard to find.

    When I watch the TV show "House," I am struck by how hard it is to diagnose ANYTHING! The team of doctors stumble and jumble through a zillion possibilities, all of which are usually wrong, until House gets his genius inspiration about what the ailment really is.

    It's a wonder any one of us is still walking around, according to that show:)
