Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thankful (late) Thursday and a day in the canyon

This week I am thankful for God's beautiful creations. Because of all the rain we've had this month everything is SO green and lush. As I'm driving around during the day the mountains always catch my eye and even though I haven't really appreciated the rain EVERYDAY this month just about, it sure has made those mountains beautiful. And today we finally had a wonderfully sunny day and got to go up and enjoy those mountains. We took the 4 wheelers up American Fork Canyon and rode this awesome trail over the top and down into the next canyon to Crystal Springs. We walked around there for a little while then rode back. It was so pretty and such a fun trail! I am also thankful to have had such a fun day with my family.

Taking a little snack break on the way up the mountain.
Brian and Hailey...I wish I had Hailey's cute pink helmet!

Looking back down over the trail we just rode up.

Me and my boy.

Brian & the kids at Crystal Springs.

Nick cooling off with the freezing cold water.

Nick walking back up the trail to the 4 wheelers.

Heading back to the trail.


  1. fun!!

    you guys are so good about going and doing fun stuff!!

  2. I love the title of your blog! I found it on Heather Spencers blog and the title caught my eye. I did not know it was yours until I clicked on it. Love it!!! Susy

  3. I love this post! It brings me right back to the astounding beauty of Utah, and makes me homesick yet again. Your family is so WHOLESOME and ADORABLE!
