Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This week I have been keenly aware of selfless acts going on all around me and I am thankful for the examples of others. I'm thankful for the friends who are willing to make yummy food for Brian's 40th birthday dinner this Saturday (is it sad that my husbands favorites are things other people make? lol), I'm thankful for friends who bring a birthday cake for my son to Bear Lake, I'm thankful for a mom who performs selfless acts of kindness for my family on a regular basis and who makes my children feel so incredibly loved, and I'm thankful for a husband who will change his schedule so I can have a night out with friends and not have to worry about anything.

I'm also thankful to witness this week the biggest act of selflessness that I can think of and that is for the sweet teenage girl who is allowing my friends to adopt her beautiful little baby girl and become parents.

For all the selfless acts big, small and in between, you are all truly my heroes...thank you for the great examples you all are to me!


  1. OK, as usual, I will now be on red alert looking for selfless acts--thanks to you, Julie. What a worthy pasttime. And I will add my standing ovation to the girl who gave her child up for adoption. What an act. As an adoptive mom, I am eternally grateful to Marie, the birth mom who chose me to be Libby's mom. Extraordinary.

  2. I too am thankful for birth moms!

    And, I am thankful for friends who bring over middle-of-the-night-snack-packs. Greg's sister has already popped one of the bags of popcorn (even though it is only 9 p.m.!).
