Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I know it's technically Wednesday as I'm writing this but I'm assuming no one is going to read this till Thursday since it's so late. :-) I'm stealing this idea from my friend's daughters blog...every Thursday's blog will be dedicated to something I'm especially thankful for. This week it's all about great friends. I am so thankful for friends who add so much to my life. Friends I can laugh with, cry with, share frustrations with, eat with, shop with, play games with, golf with, take girls trips with, play racquetball with, work with, live in the same neighborhood with, be in the same family/extended family with, share holidays with, etc. I have been truly blessed to have such great friends...some I get to see more often than others...and others I have fond memories of the times we got to hang out more. I'm thankful for the times my friends have been there for me when I needed them and for the times they let me be there for them. I'm thankful for friends who are blunt enough to tell me how it is (or how to drive) :-) and for friends who tell me what I need to hear. :-) So, here's to wonderful friends!!!


  1. An overwhelming supply of fond memories on this end! Well....I guess You wouldn't consider night terrors FOND memories... but they are memories!

  2. You are just sweet, and making my posts seem irrelevant! :) I truly LOVE spending time with/chatting with you.. We really need to get together more.. and our kids.. and we should start up our dinner dates again! Have a great day!

  3. I have to tell you Heidi that some of my kids favorite stories I tell them about you are your night terrors...probably not as funny to you as they are to them. :-) Everytime we hang out with new people they want me to tell those stories. :-) I miss you!!!!

    Marci...yes let's definately start up the dinner dates again and get together and get our kids together more often!!!!!!

  4. I would be the BLUNT friend and the "how to drive" friend right? We do have some good laughs...I don't know what I would do if you were not you! I will miss you, but remember...we always have the nail lady doing her own
