Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This week I am thankful for surprises! On Tuesday morning after Brian left for a business trip to Las Vegas I went in to turn on my computer and there was a sealed envelope on top of it that said "Don't open until 12:00" (It was 8:00 am) Well my husband should know me better than a kid I used to secretly unwrap all my Christmas presents then re-wrap them because I couldn't wait until Christmas to find out what I was getting. :-) So I lasted about 3 minutes and tore open the envelope. It was a very sweet note from my sweet husband and he referred to the "flowers" that I should've received by then. They hadn't come yet in those 3 minutes I waited, but I was so surprised they were coming...he hasn't surprised me with flowers in years!!!

Another cute surprise happened a few months ago. I had been putting off cleaning the kitchen all day and I kept saying that I wished the dish fairy would come and clean the kitchen for me. I was really not in the mood to do it that day so I left them for the next day. The next day was Saturday and I got to sleep in a little on that day since we didn't have anything going on. When I woke up and went out to get some cereal my kitchen was clean and there was a sticky note on the dishwasher that said, "Love, the Dish Fairy" in Hailey's cute little handwriting. :-) I LOVE the dish fairy!!! I think she lost our address though because she hasn't been back since. :-)

So today goes to fun surprises! Everyone should think of someone to surprise'll make your day!


  1. I had to beg that big dish fairy of mine to visit yesterday.. Actually, I'd been begging him for 2 days, and he finally got the hint..

    We've all been sick-sick-sick here (the girls).. We're no fun..

    Chelsea got flowers very similar to yours on Monday! I'll make her post her pictures.. Fun!

  2. Inspirational! I LOVE your "thankful" posts. And I love that Brian didn't wait until Valentine's Day to send the flowers. And your inability to wait was a hoot.

  3. I am so glad you found my blog, so that I could fine your blog! Love reading about your flowers and cute dish fairy. I also cannot wait for surprises.

  4. I wish I had any kind of fairy, pick up after yourself fairy, laundry fairy, trash fairy...oh did i say pick up after yourself fairy...well i need three of those...
